
如何在YouTube上通过Google AdSense赚钱:创建优质内容与策略指南

money on can be an . It , your , and views. But it’s not an ; it takes and .

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First, you need to focus on that want to watch. This could be , like how – to or it could be . your and what they might enjoy. For , if your is , the games. is the video . Good and clear audio can make a big in .

, is key. new keeps your and back for more. They will be more to if they know when to new from you.

Build Your Base

with your is for your base. Reply to their , ask for their in your . This makes them feel and more to . with other can also help. Find in your niche and .

You can also your on other media to reach a wider . This can drive to your and your count.

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is how you’ll make money from your . But there are to . Your needs to have at least 1,000 and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 . Once you meet these, you can apply.

When your is , ads will start on your . The you earn on like the of views, the type of ads, and the .

for Views and

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To get more views, use in your video , , and tags. This helps your show up in . Also, try to make as they can click – rates.

Now I’m . Have you to make money on with ? If so, share your in the . And if you found this , don’t to like and share it.。

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