

When it comes to money on a blog page, it’s about smart and . It’s not easy but .

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is . If your blog posts are , they will more . Dull or won’t keep . Once are , they are more to click on ads. is . out. It shows you have new to offer.


Know who your are. If your blog is about , you need to in food. to the right means ad . You can also with your . to , this helps you them more. what they like will help your ads.


ads in the right spots . At the top of the page or the text can be . But don’t your blog with ads. Too many ads can be off – for . Good ad a and not being too .

Keep the Blog

keep back. New posts show that your blog is . Fresh also gives more for ads to be shown. Also, your blog’s and from time to time. A and clean look can the user .

If you’re about a blog for , what’s your first step going to be? share in the and don’t to like and share this if you found it .。

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