

money from with 1000 daily is an topic. There are many that can the . It’s not a fixed and can vary on .

Ad and

Ad . Text ads might not pay as well as video or ads. If your ads are , like at the of a long page, might not even see them. For , if you put an ad right in the of your most , it has a of . Also, the size of the ad can click – rates.

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is ad . If the ads shown are not to your , users are less to click on them. When your is about but the ads are for , it’s a .


Some are more in terms of . For , and tech – ads. If your is about , the ads might not pay as much per click. , a blog could have a high of if it has a . You need to if your niche has a high – base or not.

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Also, in the niche how much you can earn. If there are many other blogs in your niche , it can be to get a high share of the .


from can lead to . from the ad to some . For , 1000 from the US might bring in more money than the same of from a less . This is are to pay more to reach a more and in .

The of your also ties into the . – from often have a value for .

Click – Rate

Your click – rate (CTR) is . If out of 1000 , only 10 click on the ads, that’s a 1% CTR. A CTR means more money. You can CTR by the ads stand out. But, you don’t want to make the ads too , or else will leave your site. For , a good color for the ads can .

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Also, the of your . If your 1000 are not with your , they are less to click on ads. A is more to with the ads.

Now, I’m to know, what steps are you to your ? share in the and don’t to like and share this !

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