
如何在YouTube上通过Google AdSense赚钱:创建优质内容和吸引观众的关键

money on with can be both and . It , an , and the power of ads.

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First, your needs to be and . It stand out from the on . You can’t just copy what are doing. Spend time that are in . Then, focus on it in an way. Good , clear audio, and all to . that are made or lack won’t or .

, is key. You can’t post one great video and then for . Set a and stick to it. This will help build an that knows when to new from you.

Build an

be one of your main goals. with your by to . This makes them feel and more to your to . with other is also . You can reach new their .

is your on other . Use media to share your . This your reach and can new who might not have your .

You need to know the of how works. It ads on your based on . Make sure your with . can lead to your being .

on the types of ads . Some ads might be more for your and than . You can your to for the best ads.


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check your . Look at like views, watch time, and click – rates. These can tell you what is and what isn’t.

Based on this , you can make to your . For , if a type of video gets a lot of views, more of that type. Do you have any for money on with ? Feel free to share in the . And if you found this , like and share!

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