when our site fails to make money with is a . can be a great way to a , but it doesn’t work as . There are that could be this issue.
One is the of . If the are not in the ad or are not the of the , they won’t click on the ads. For , if your site is about but gets a lot of from , the ads to might not be . is the of the . from may not well for .
, not all are equal. from might be more in your and ads to from some media where users come for .
The of ads on the is also . If your ads are or in an area where they are not , of are low. For , ads at the of a long page where users , it’s no they won’t be . Also, too many ads can make the site look and turn off . They may leave of on any ads. This will the .
The of to the ads a great deal. If your is all over the place and not to the ads shown, users won’t feel to click. a site about , but ads for car parts. There has to be some . , if the is of low , it won’t a that could click on ads.
There might be wrong with your . Maybe you’re not using the right ad for your . ad work for types of sites. Also, the might not be . You need to that the ads are to your based on like , etc.
So, here’s the for you: Have you faced a ? What did you do to the ? Share your and let’s help each other!