

When it comes to money on a blog in 2018, there’s no one – size – fits – all .

In the world, . Some think a few views a month could start in some . But it on the niche. If you’re in a high – niche like , even a few views could earn. , in a niche, you might need tens of .

how many views do you need with adsense to make money 2018 blog	40_how many views do you need with adsense to make money 2018 blog	40_how many views do you need with adsense to make money 2018 blog	40

is the of . Bot – views won’t count. Only real human views that with the ads can lead to .


Where you place your ads is . Above the fold ads tend to get more . If you put ads in a , even with a lower of views, you might start money.

The type of ad also . Text – only ads might not be as eye – as video or ads. So, the right ad and can your even with a .


High rate can hurt your . If users come to your blog and leave , are they won’t click on ads. You need to focus on that keeps on your page .

also helps. If you have and with each other, it to that your blog has an , which could lead to .

has . them, even , can stop you from money. Make sure your is and to their .

Also, might have . What works in one in terms of views and might not be the same in .

So, here’s a for you: Have you had any with ? Share your story in the , and if you found this , don’t to like and share!

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未经允许不得转载:Google Adsense 行业新闻 » 2018年通过AdSense在博客上赚钱:流量与利基市场的关键
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