

is an way for many to earn money . It makes money by ads to users. But how much money one can make per user with is quite a .

Many have

One of the is the . High – means users are more . For , if the users stay on the page for a long time and with the ads, it may lead to . is the niche of the . Some like and may have – ads to some less .

has . If you these , your may be . For , click – fraud is not . Also, the of ads needs to the rules. If you place ads in a wrong way, it can cause your to be .


The of the user also . Users from have a value for . they may have more power. Take the as an , an ad view from a US – based user may bring more money to a user from some .


The in the is . New forms of are . For , the rise of media has some on . And also . What is today may not be so .

So do you think it’s still a good to focus on money per user with ? We’d love to hear your views. Share this if you find it .。

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