
Google AdSense广告计划:连接广告商与网站发布者的盈利模式

is a well – known . , it’s a way for to make money . acts as an and .

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are a key part of the model. They have or to . They ads and bid on to their . They want their ads to be shown to . This is where steps in. uses its to match the ads with where they will get good .

is that pay . They pay based on like cost – per – click or cost – per – . When a user on an ad, the pays a . For – based , they pay when their ad is shown a of times.

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play a big role too. They have on their sites. By up for , they can ads. They hope to earn money from the ads shown on their pages. need to abide by ‘s terms. They have to have that is with ‘s .

users. If the is good, more users will visit the site. This means more ad views or , which can into more for the . also as it gets to show more ads and make more money.


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‘s are very . They . They look at the of the . They match ads to the . If a is about , will try to show – ads. This the of user .

Also, ‘s that the ad is . They where on the page the ads be shown for . This helps both the get and the earn more as a of user with the ads.


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In the model, the with . takes a of the money paid by . The exact can vary. the .

This model is as it more to join . can their and ad to their . If you were a owner, ‘t you be in some extra money this way? So if you found this , share and like this .。

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