

is a way to make money . Many about the the of views and the . It’s not a as play their parts.

at Play

The first to is the niche of . Some just have ads. For , ads tend to pay more to ads. Also, the of the a great deal. Views from bring in more money.

approximation of how many views through adsense makes how much money	44_approximation of how many views through adsense makes how much money	44_approximation of how many views through adsense makes how much money	44

is the type of ad. Text – based ads might not pay as much as video or high – ads. Some are to pay a for more ad .


can . When there’s a high for a or to your , the ads can be more . For , , – ads may pay more.

On the other hand, if there’s an or a in an , may cut back on their ad , to lower even with the same of views.


has . them can lead to or even of the . is . , their which ads get shown to which . If the doesn’t match the right ads with the right , it can .

The are also to user and , which can be both good and bad in terms of .

The Rough

It’s very to give an exact . , on , some say that for every 1000 views, the could range from a few to over ten . But this is a very rough and can vary .

It on all the above. So, don’t be if your don’t match what you .

Here’s a for you: Have you any big in your based on times of the year?

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