

is a great way to earn some extra money. It you to ads on your or blog and get paid when click on those ads or view them.

First, you need to have a or blog. It has to have that . You can’t just put up any old thing. For , if you have a blog, your be and . The more your , the more will visit. Also, make sure your is easy to . If users find it , they’ll leave .

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Once you’ve got a good , you can sign up for . will your site to make sure it meets their .


is key. Use in your . For , if you’re about , use words like ” ” and ” “. media can also be a big help. Share your on like and . You might start a group on where you can post your blog links.

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way is to with other in your niche. They can link to your site, in more .


The of your ads a great deal. Don’t put ads in where they’re hard to see. For , at the of a long page where users might not . , put them near the top or in the . Also, blend the ads with your ‘s . Don’t have them stand out too much in an way.

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with ad . Some might work on your site than , like text ads or image ads.


has rules. Make sure you them. For , don’t click on your own ads. That’s fraud and can get you . Keep your clean and free from any or .

If you have some old that no meets , or it.

How about you? Have you ever about using ?

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