

The idea of money with is both and of a for many. It’s a well – known that has to earn an on their or . But in a , its is a big .

still exist

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One there are still is the vast reach of ‘s . has to a huge of . This means that there is a flow of new ads . For , if you have a niche blog about . to , , and may be in ads on your site. Also, as long as your is and an , you can start . Say you make about DIY at home. Home might to your – .

also . You can the type of ads that fit your or best. This for a more of ads and can lead to click – rates.

on the way

is stiff. There are so many out there all vying for a share of the pie. A new may find it to when there are blogs in the same niche with a large . is the ever – . its for . This can how much you earn and the of your ads. For , if your is not high – to the new , your ad could drop.

Also, ad are more . Many users ad to have a . This means that your ads may not even be to a of your .


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is key. If your is , , and , will be more to visit your site . For , if you write in – depth of new on your tech blog. will keep back for more. This in turn the of ad . is to focus on a niche. of a blog, it down. Let’s say you a blog only about vegan . You’re more to a in and thus more ads.

You also your for . Since most the their , a – site that your ads are and are .

Is it for you?

money with , , and . If you’re not to put in the time to , your , and keep up with the , it might not be the right for you. But if you’re about a topic and are ready to build an it, the can be .

So my for you is: Have you tried and what were your ?

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