
Facebook AdSense Basics: How to Earn Extra Cash with Facebook Advertising

can be a great way to earn some extra cash. It using ‘s to your .

First, it’s to know what is. It you to ads on your page. the and is a must. If you them, you can lose your . Also, learn about the ad . This helps you the most ones for your page. is how work. You need to know when and how you’ll get paid for the ads.

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Once you have the basic , it’s time to focus on . Your is what will to your page. If it’s not , won’t stay long to see the ads. Good also helps in a .

Build a

To be with , you need to have an . Start by your . Are they young , , or ? Once you know this, that to them. You can use to learn more about your and what they like.

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way is to your page. Share your on other media . with other pages in your niche. This can your page to new . , the more your , the more your page for .

Your Ad

The of your ads a great deal. them where they are but not too is key. Test on your page to see which ones get the most . Also, the size of the ads. , ads might , but it on your page .

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You also the of each ad . Look at the click – rate and the rate. Based on this data, your ad . This helps in your .

Keep Up with

and its are . Stay with the . For , new ad or in the way ads are . Join or blogs to keep in the loop.

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Also, be aware of in your ‘s . If you can adapt to these , you can keep your ad . If you stick with old , your might over time.

So, do you think you’re ready to start money with ? share your in the and don’t to like and share this if you found it .。

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