
通过Google Adsense在Blogger上赚钱:结合博客自由与收入潜力

For many, money on is an . It the of with the to earn . It’s not a get – rich – quick , but with and right , it can be a of .


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At first, is a free that’s very user – . It you to and . , on the other hand, is an . It lets , like , ads on their blogs. You need to have on your site to get for . wants to show ads on and sites.

To start, that will find and . This will your of the and also draw in more for ad .

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Your has to be top – notch. It be , well – and . If you write half – , won’t stay long on your blog. For , if you’re in the niche, share real – life , offer tips on etc. This will keep your .

You also need to be in . If you post only once a month, it won’t work. will keep your back, which in turn can your ad .

Drive to Your Blog

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There are many ways to drive . media is a tool. Share your blog posts on like , etc. SEO is also . Use in your , meta – and your .

way is to guest post on other blogs in your niche. This can your blog to a wider . The more you get, the more ad you can get, thus more .

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Once you’re for , focus on your ads. Try ad sizes and to see what works best. For , ads in the of a blog post get more .

Also, keep an eye on your . It can tell you which posts are more ad and which ones aren’t. Use this data to more and your ad . Have you about and a try for money?

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