is a way to make money . It or to ads on their and get paid for or . Here’s how it works and how you can .
First, your needs to be . It and solve their . If you write fluff or , users won’t stay. , your is . doesn’t like . This helps build a good and the of ad .
Build a
A well – is . Make sure it’s – . Most users the via now. Also, it has a fast speed. Slow – sites drive users away. A keeps , which can lead to more ad views.
Place ads where they are but not too . Ads that annoy users won’t get . Find the . For , ads at the end of a blog post can be a good . Also, vary the ad sizes for .
Use media to your site. This can bring in a lot of . Also, in SEO. your for helps rank in . The more you get, the more for ad .
So, are you ready to start your with ? to like, share this if you found it .。