

money on login isn’t easy but it’s . It , an , and for ads.

is . First, find your niche. It could be , or . Then, put your heart into . Do and ideas. You need to make that want to watch. This a good , clear audio, and good . These make your video more and to . is also key in your .

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is to be . are more to that offer new. For , if you’re doing a vlog, show off – the – – path or share local .


You need to grow your base. Use media to your . Share or – the – on or to draw to your .

with your . Reply to on your . This makes your feel and they are more to stick and your to . can also be a great way to gain more . with other in your niche and cross – each other’s .

for Ads

is . Make sure your so that you can get ads on your . Also, pay to the types of ads shown on your . Some ads might be more for your than .

Your video like , , and tags be for . This helps your get more , which in turn can lead to more ad views.

Track Your

Use to see how your are . Check like watch time, click – rate, and . what type of gets the most views and try to that .

If you see a in , the . It could be due to a in the or from other . Try to adapt and .

So, do you think you’re ready to start money on ? leave a , like and share this if you found it .。

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