

is an part of . , it’s a that to earn money by ads. how much keeps for every $100 you make, it can vary.

‘s Share

has a share model. will take a of your . This is how they run the and their ad . For , might use that share for like R&D. In , often takes 32% for its so, out of $100, about $32 might go to , you with $68. is tax if , which can your final .

how much money does adsense keep for every $100 you make	12_how much money does adsense keep for every $100 you make	12_how much money does adsense keep for every $100 you make	12

The share also on . based on and the type of ads . If your is from high – value and you high – ads, still takes its share but the left for you can be the high .

has a that you need to reach. If you don’t reach this , your money stays with . The in many is $100. So until you reach that, ‘keeps’ all your money. , this is more like a until you for .

Also, if there are any with your like , even if you reach the $100 mark, your might be . So in a way, until all the are met, that ” money in your can be of as being” by .

Cost of

like ad , ad etc. These come at a cost which is from your . For , the ad help in ads to your which the of .

Some small might think that the share taken by is high when they are not the full $100. But when you look at the and by , it seems fair. They have to cover costs to , all for the of your ad in the long run.


There are that can how much keeps. If you use a , there could be fees that end up your take-home which may seem like is more.

Also, if there are in ‘s , the share can be , for , if they new to fraud which might a . So how much keeps from your $100 can be a .

Do you think the share that takes is fair? Let me know in the . Also, if you found this , like and share.。

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