is a well – known that can help earn money. But how many are to make money, it’s not that . There are many .
by ads on your or . , it’s not just about . Ads also . The type of ads, the ‘s , and the all play roles. For , some high – end ads may pay more per click. Even with few , if they are , can be .
is . In a , more may be as there are more vying for the same ad space.
High – . If your site has great that the right , are more to be . A site that in – depth may get fewer than a news site but earn more per click.
Also, user be . An easy – to – site leads to more user . If users to find , they won’t click on ads.
Some are peak times for ads. , ads for gifts may get more . also click – to – ratio. New in the may more .
, play a part. In a , more may in , which might click .
Long – term vs. Short – term Goals
For short – term, on high – click – but low – pay – per – click ads might seem . But long – term, a for and – – ads is .
Also, you need to the of . A spike in one day won’t be as as over time.
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