
如何在Google AdSense点击付费计划中赚钱的关键要素

If you want to make money in a pay – per – click such as , there are key that must be in place. It like good , your , and usage.

Good is . It’s not to just have any text on your page. This needs to be and for . It can’t be from other . are very good at . If your is and , are more to stay on your page . This also gives you a of them on the ads.

what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28_what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28_what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28

The also needs to be to the ads shown. If you have a blog and you show ads to car parts, will not click on those ads.

Know Your

your is . You need to know what they are in. For , if your young , you have and ads to baby , tips etc.

If you don’t your , your ads may not be to them. This would lead to very low click – rates. Your be with the needs and wants of your in mind so that the ads blend well and to them.


Using the right can make a big . These be to your and what your might be for. If you just for the sake of , it will not work well.

is . You need to find out what words are among your and use them in your . also uses these to which ads are to place on your site.


Where you place your ads on your page . They can’t be so that no one can find them. , you also don’t want to make them so that it .

what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28_what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28_what must happen if you want to make money in a pay-per-click program, like google adsense?	28

An place is above the fold, can see the ads to down. good spot could be the , but not in a way that the .

Now here’s the for you: Have you ever tried any pay – per – click ? How was your ?

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