

When it comes to , it’s a way for to make money ads. But out how much a hits a day can make is not . There are at play.

Ad Types

how much money would a thousand adsense hits a day make	12_how much money would a thousand adsense hits a day make	12_how much money would a thousand adsense hits a day make	12

Ad types have rates. Some are high – like video ads that user . These can bring in more per hit. On the other hand, text ads have a lower . also set . It on their and the value they place on the ad space.


The of the users the ads a lot. Users from like the US or UK tend to bring in more . are to pay more to reach these . , users from some may lead to lower per hit as the value there is .

At times of the year, like , there can be more ad and thus . For , , want to the of . But in the off – , the of money from the same of hits can drop .

Click – Rates

It’s not just about the of hits. Click – rates are . If a see an ad but few click on it, the will be less. An ad that’s and can lead to more and thus more money.

So, have you ever big in your ? If you found this , like, share, and leave a !

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